
Reports from the Nursery (Part Fifteen)

I may be almost two years old, but I wasn’t born yesterday. I notice things. And lemme tell you, Valentine’s Day is one of the most bizarre things I have ever witnessed in my entire existence (including all those eons Up There awaiting birth).
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Reports from the Nursery (Part Fourteen)

Let us begin with the undeniable fact that winter, in all its frosty glory, is a season crafted by some capricious cosmic designer who decided the world needed a solid freeze to humble us. God has a wicked sense of humor, and sometimes it comes with rather hard edges, no?
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Reports from the Nursery (Part Thirteen)

Admittedly, I don’t have much practical experience of what everybody down here on earth calls “Christmas.” After all, this is only the second time I’ve experienced it— and the first time around, I was still disoriented from my transition from “pending delivery to human existence” from the pure spirit I was while awaiting that trip.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Twelve)

It’s tough to have a lot of perspective on the passage of time when you only have 18 months of actual living to go on. It’s a burden I carry in my reports to all of you— and despite my hope that you find some value in my backstory memories of a pre-birth Heaven, my youth and relative inexperience remains a concern that weighs on me every time I settle back to scribble my thoughts and observations.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Eleven)

You might find this surprising, but I remember that even before my earthly birth a little more than a year ago, Heaven was already abuzz with speculation and debate about the then-upcoming American election.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Ten)

 Reports From The Nursery (Part Ten)By Alexis, In Her Own Words When I first began these chronicles —as of today, a little more than a year ago; how the time has flown! — it was largely because I had realized that my memories of my pre-birth days back in heaven were disappearing— and that, at a rate roughly equal to the speed and volume of new knowledge I was acquiring as a human.             This distressed me no
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Nine)

For someone who’s only been on earth for a year or so —and who is daily losing the memories of her pre-birth tenure in heaven— sometimes I surprise myself with what still occasionally pops to the surface of my mind.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Eight)

Reports From the Nursery (Part Eight)By Alexis, In Her Own Words Ever since I became an actual, corporeal, believe-it-or-not-made-of-meat human being, I’ve often been fascinated with how much stock non-spirit folks place in the concept of “time.”             Frankly, it’s not something that pure spirits (including angels, for sure) worry about much. For instance, in heaven, you’re never going to hear somebo
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Seven)

Reports From The Nursery (Part Seven)By Alexis, In Her Own Words With my first year of human life now in the record book —by the way, birthday cake is the closest thing to Heaven I’ve experienced since… well, since Heaven— I find myself examining things from a more mature point of view. You can’t stay a kid forever, you know.            So, it’s time to take stock, and make sure we’re all on th
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Six)

It's probably a little early to talk about "the milestones in my life" - I mean, everybody's been measuring my "life" first in weeks, and then in months, ever since I've been here on Earth - but it's pretty undeniable that I'm about to hit one of those Big Event markers.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Five)

In my ongoing adventure as a newly minted human being, there was a new twist a couple of weeks ago.  My parents tried to drown me.  Okay, not really. But for a moment there, I was pretty sure I was about to punch my return ticket on the Grand Funk Celestial Railroad—all aboard! Next stop, reception desk at the Pearly Gates. 
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Four)

As I recall —and memories are growing a bit hazy, the longer I’m down here in The World— you’re never bored in Heaven. You always have something to learn, new souls to meet, older souls returning after their lives. You can take a walk in one or another of the verdant pastures or deep shadows, together with one or another of the resident Celestials who populate the place. It can be very busy-busy-busy up there.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Three)

I have a confession to make —odd, perhaps, in that I’ve only been on this plane of life for just a hair more than seven months, and there’s not a lot for a new human to feel guilty about. But if I’ve learned anything during my tenure here (other than milk is really good, and a warm blanket is glorious) it’s that we humans tend to be hardwired for feelings that don’t always make sense.
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Reports From The Nursery (Part Two)

This business of being a brand-new human person isn’t all fun and games, let me tell you. For example, there’s this thing about Time, down here in the World.You see, up there in heaven there isn’t any such thing— not really. The angels call it “The Timelessness of Eternity,” which —as far as I can pu
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Reports From The Nursery (Part One)

I can't say they didn't warn me. This business of being a live human being - even now, after almost a half-year of actually being one myself - can be confusing, frustrating, perplexing... and not infrequently, downright humiliating.
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